Whoah! ...have not posted in a while. I've just been so busy working on the actual book. The story and art are coming around nicely...I am absolutely thrilled with the results so far--3/5ths of the way done!!!
I wanted to go into a little more detail about some of the characters I've been postring on the Facebook page.
Recognizing I needed more characters to relate to the widest audience and because the story demanded more possibilities for future storylines, I created the Azures. The Azures are kids with special powers and abilities being studied by the government. Towards the end of the first graphic novel, Starfish uncovers a secret government plan to harvest the next phase of human evolution, known as Project: Azure. The program studies kids who are born with paranormal abilties like pyrokinesis and telepathy. These "orphans" have become wards of the State and are kept in a special facility where their powers can be controlled and monitored.
Of course the idea is similar to Marvel's X-Men and Heroes on NBC. But, I was mostly inspired by true events surrounding the New Age discovery of Indigo Children. In Starfish I've termed them Azures because of the connection they have with the Aeon, the energy that powers Starfish's jet pack, which is a bright shade of blue.
The first book only introduces these characters of which there are about 30 or so. I'm hoping, if things go well, I can write a 2nd book that will use the Azures as its central plot. Below are posted the character shots of the first six Azures appearing in the first graphic novel, STARFISH: Fight the Dark!

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