Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bad Starfish

Every hero needs a an evil doppelganger. "Lily" is created by the Triumvirate to psychologically attack Starfish.


Unknown said...

Very nice design.

-The Ninth Doctor

Unknown said...

Nothing to do with the post, but since this is the only way to contact you semi-privately...

If you could score an interview with Newsarama or Comic Book Revolutions, you might just have this contest in the bag. You're already in a close second, all you need is a good final advertisement.

Unknown said...

meant close third

Michael Angel Sanchez said...

My problem is I'm not sure how one goes about doing that... can you email them and say "hey, I want to be interviewed"?

Unknown said...

I have no idea. Zuda stuff was covered in the beginning... maybe if you contacted them and said if they wished to renew coverage, you'd be willing to do an interview- or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Now THIS chick...I LIKE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a monster.